Monday 9 July, 2007

Crime, Politics and the Sea.......Neethi Narayanan

Deep within the oceans,
You may often encounter
A relationship of unparalleled love,
That'll make one sit and wonder.
The sight of a frizzy haired creature,
Would be what you would have found,
With colourful tentacles swirling above
Sitting pretty on a plump little mound.
The pretty haired lady is the sea-anemone
With her colours concealing her sting.
And at her feet is none other than the hermit crab
Like an elegant throne with its magnificent king.
The sea-anemone may seem attractive
but its sting keeps off the crab's foes.,
W the safe and secure hermit crab
Chariots the anemone o'er the Benthic meadows.
Oh! what an absolutely lovely symbiosis God has made,
Of the lady and her hermit!
One gives shelter, the other support,
And no harm to each other will they permit.
Well, if this was surprising, then what would you opine
Of a symbiosis even more profound?
The bond between one on the 'chair'
And another hidden under the ground!
The tentacles here are a Gandhi-topi
Placed over a bright and 'honest' face,
That attracts people with its colours
But its sting is blanketed by its grace.
And yes! the hermit crab in this case
is a 'hermit' indeed!
That lives in a world under our world
And is loyal to his duty and (mis)deed.
Together they romp about every where-
the 'protected' and the 'protector'-
Where one goes ravaging life and land
While the other promises to make the world prosper!
And the thoroughly confused, utterly puzzled,
Are the innocent 'We the people'
Who see it but can't see through it-
See the truth -no matter how short and simple.
So to those who are sorrowfully unaware
Of the hermit crab and the sea-anemone's fling
The analogous symbiosis of crime and politics
Is already out to devour you with its sting!

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